Building Controls Experienced Worker

White with brown stripe

Card information

The Experienced Worker card is for applicants that have enrolled onto the Building Energy Management Systems (BEMS) Experienced Worker Assessment (EWA) route. This route is for people who do not yet have a full industry qualification such as a completed apprenticeship.

Entry onto this EWA will require you to have completed the BEMS EWA knowledge assessment (as a prerequisite),
This card will only be valid for 18 months and cannot be renewed. This is to reflect the fact that the card is only issued to people who need to complete the formal industry assessment to meet the requirements of an ECS gold card and plan to do this within the next 18 months.
You will need to qualify to the Level 4 BEMS standard during the life of this card if you wish to upgrade to a gold card.

If you are interested in the Experienced Worker Assessment route, please find out more at the Group Horizon Website.

Eligibility and requirements

To be eligible for an ECS Building Controls Experienced Worker card, applicants must hold the following:

1. BEMS EWA knowledge assessment, and

2. Hold a current ECS Health, Safety and Environmental Assessment. For details visit the ECS H&S Assessment page


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