Online Training and Assessment
Online training can provide a flexible and cost-effective resource to upskill or retrain at any time. However, before online training is purchased and carried out consideration must be given to the way the training will be assessed and certificated.
As a certification body the ECS MUST have auditable documented evidence to support each application for an ECS card in the form of a certificate that the course exam has been successfully passed. The examination requirement, set by the appropriate regulator, is that the delegate is first who they say there are and second has completed the examination themselves with no external help or coaching.
The issue we have is not about the training but how the examination or assessment has been carried out and is validated.
This is a matter for the awarding organisation that will have requirements put on them by the appropriate regulator for controlled invigilated examinations.
Invigilation via standard video conferencing IS NOT ACEPTABLE and must not be used to invigilate and exam.
If the online training exam is not assessed correctly the ECS WILL NOT BE ABLE to accept the test certificate under the certification scheme requirements we have to comply with.
Our advice is that you refer back to the awarding organisation for advice on how the examination of your online training is to be undertaken.
The question you need to ask your training provider is “How will the end exam for the training be invigilated?”.
To be sure we recommend that you get something in writing from the Awarding Organisation that the full assessment requirements for an invigilated exam as set out by the appropriate regulator are being fully met.
If online training is taken advantage off it will not be the training method that will be the issue but if the certificate issued following an awarding body examination is valid.