Take a look at our latest news on the ECS and other updates relating to your certification..
Having worked closely with industry leading vetting service Experian, ECS is set to implement Identity Document Verification Technology (IDVT) as part of their ECS Card Application process.
The Canary Wharf Group showcased CSCS Smart Check at an event organised by Unite. The system ensures that only professionals with correct and legitimate cards gain access to the 23-acre Wood Wharf development.
This month marked the end of the 2024 Elex Shows. The JIB journeyed from North-West to South-East England to network with professionals from the electrotechnical industry.
The JIB were pleased to attend an initial roundtable meeting with West Midland Combined Authority (WMCA) on October 30, bringing together those with a desire to improve standards and provide more opportunities for people wishing to enter the electrical sector.